fostering, developing and promoting writers and writing


Located in the heart of Adelaide, the SA Writers Centre is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to foster, develop and promote South Australian writers and writing. The Centre, which has over 1200 members, was the first of its kind in Australia and continues to act as a resource for people of all ages and experiences, assisting both new and established writers on every aspect of craft and publishing.

This blog aims to engage the writing community in South Australia and beyond in conversation about issues, opportunities, events, writing and writers.

We encourage interactive participation throughout this blog, so please comment on, share, talk about and engage with this blog wherever you can. We do have a commenting policy, however, so please take the time to read it here.

Regularly visit our blog to view showcased work of local aspiring, emerging, developing and established writers.


3 thoughts on “About

  1. This is great, there can never be enough avenues to support, encourage and showcase writers. I look forward to reading the posts.

  2. seantheblogonaut on said:

    Great work guys. I often find it easy picking up stuff you offer through an RSS feed.

  3. Hi fellow-South Australians. Looks like you are off to a good start with this new blog. Don’t forget to have fun; I certainly am having fun with my blog!
    Now, I am off to check out upcoming workshops at the SA Writers Centre.

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